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Application of high pressure sterilization in food processing.
Publisher:Reserved  Time:2011/12/3 10:58:24   Browse:6458

The high-pressure sterilization technology is much national attention to in recent years, extensive study of a food high and new technology, because of its unique and innovative methods, simple and easy to line operation, it caused widespread concern. Japan, the United States, Europe and other countries in the research and development of high-pressure food walk precedent in the world, high pressure food first born in Japan in April 1990.
Worldwide food security issues have become increasingly prominent, consumers are demanding nutrition, the voice of the authentic food is also high, the high-pressure technology is able to follow this trend, it is not only able to guarantee food security in the microbiological aspects of and better maintain the food's inherent nutritional quality, texture, flavor, color, freshness of. The use of ultra-high pressure can achieve sterilization, destroy enzymes and improve food quality, in some developed countries, the high-pressure technology has been applied to the low temperature sterilization of food (such as guacamole, meat, oysters), but also as a sterilization technology matures.
The basic principle of a high-pressure sterilization
Food and ultra-high pressure technology (ultra-high pressure processing, UHP) can be referred to as high-pressure technology (High pressure Processing, HPP) or high hydrostatic pressure technology (High Hydrostatic Pressure, HHP), the principle is the pressure of the lethal effect of the microorganisms. High pressure led to the morphology of microorganisms, many changes in biochemical reactions, genetic mechanisms, as well as cell wall membrane, thus affecting the original microbial physiological activities function, or even destruction or irreversible changes of the original function. In the food industry, the application of high pressure sterilization technology is designed to take advantage of this principle, after the high pressure treatment of food to ensure the safe long-term preservation.
2 The characteristics of the high-pressure sterilization
High pressure sterilization technology with traditional sterilization technology when compared with the high-pressure technology with traditional heat treatment of food compare advantages:
2.1 high pressure treatment does not make food color, smell, taste and other physical characteristics change, no odor, the food is still good pressure to retain the fresh flavor and nutrients, such as strawberry after high pressure treatment The sauce may retain 95% of the amino acids, significantly more than the heat treatment on the taste and flavor of jam.
2.2 UHP processing after the state and a heat treatment of protein denaturation and starch gelatinization is different, to thereby obtain the new characteristics of the food.
2.3 high pressure treatment for cold sterilization can maintain the original flavor of the food, after eating this food can be simple heating.
2.4 high pressure treatment is compression process liquid medium within a short period of time, so that the food sterilization achieve uniform, instantaneous, efficient, and lower than the energy consumption of heating, for example, Japan's Suntory container sterilization the beer liquid by high pressure processing the 99.99% kill E. coli.
3 high-pressure processing applications in food processing
3.1 high pressure processing meat processing
Many researchers using high-pressure technology processed meat products, found that compared to conventional processing methods, high-pressure treatment of meat tenderness, flavor, color, and other aspects are improved, but also increase the preservation. For example, cheap quality rough beef at room temperature 250MPa processing result tenderized beef products. 300MPa, 10min processing chicken and fish, a result similar to the minor cooking organization of the state, and so on.
3.2 high pressure processing aquatic products processing
Aquatic products processing is more to be special product requirements aquatic original flavor, color, good taste and texture. Conventional heating processing, dried processing can not meet the requirements. The studies show that the high-pressure treatment can be maintained aquatic original fresh flavor. For example, treated in 600MPa 10min, complete inactivation of the enzyme in the aquatic aquatic crustaceans, which is red in appearance, internal as a white, and was completely denatured state, the bacteria is greatly reduced, but still maintaining the original raw flavor, this hi raw food aquatic products consumers is extremely important. Pressure treatment can also increase the gel of the meat products, fish plus 1% and 3% of the brine pound crushed, then made into a 2.5cm thick massive at l00 ~ 600MPa, 0 ℃ treatment for 10 min, with a rheometer measured gelation strength found in 400MPa under treatment, most of surimi gel.
3.3 high-pressure processing in jam processing applications
In the production of jams, high pressure sterilization, not only in the jam microbial death, but also to simplify the production process, improve product quality. This is the most successful example is the Japanese food company Meiji house, the company uses high pressure sterilization technology to produce jam, such as strawberries, kiwi, and applesauce. They used at room temperature at a pressure of 400 ~ 600MPa flexible packaging seals jam processing 10 ~ 30min, the resulting product retains the taste, color and flavor of the fresh fruit.
3.4 Other aspects of the application
Pickles to the Desalination development, the use of chemical preservatives increasingly unpopular. Therefore, low-salt, no preservatives pickles products, high pressure sterilization showed its superiority. When the processing of the high pressure (300 to 400 MPa), yeast or fungi can be lethal. Both to improve the the pickles shelf life while maintaining the original characteristics of the fresh. Recent research efforts have involved some of the pressure for change or improve food characteristics. For example, Hayashi successfully under 200MPa processing whey, so that the enzymatic hydrolysis of β-lactoglobulin globulin (β-LG) precipitate. This precipitation is selective, i.e. only precipitated β-Lg, without precipitation of α-lactalbumin (α-La). The latter is precisely the preparation of a desired protein in infant modified milk. In addition, the use of high-pressure technology, including other example is the selective removal of proteins, including: ① meat processing by-products of hemoglobin decolorization; ② specific proteins deodorization; ③ specific protease solubilization or modified chromoprotein; ④ Other potential applications include the food functional improvements.

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